
The magic circle of life. To be born, to be young, to be old and to die. The never endless chain or cycle that never fails to take place. Everyone in this domain which we call life will inevitably be subjected to its power.


Have you all look at the sky lately, that big circular burning orb which existence is crucial to the survival of not only Earth, but other planets in this solar system. Circles or more exact, spheres are of importance to us. It represents life. cycle. and some might call a ritual. What goes around comes around. Why? Because we are living in a circle. What goes up must come down, what goes west...will be in the east at one point.

In this cycle, there are stages. I categorize life into 6 stages. The Slacker, The Lost, The Seeker, The Leader and lastly The Legend. For those who don' t understand what these words means, Let me help you in that.

The Slacker - As a kid, All we do is play and study. We might have believed that we did put in a lot of effort in studying...but seriously, How much work can a kid get himself in.

The Lost - Teen hood, need I say more

The Seeker - As young adults, we seek valuable knowledge in preparing ourselves in this journey

The Leader - The stage where one is married and has a family. We can never run away from leadership. As much as we do want to be a follower, We just cant.

The Legend - Old and grey.....what ever success that you have brought to yourself and your family will make you into a legend. You'd be the story people would love to tell. Even if you are not successful. You'd still be a legend......its just that you'd be the negative example.

I received lots of wedding cards lately......darn I'm feeling old. Why don't people send me wedding proposals as well (HAHA).

can`t you even see through me? `` Wednesday, November 05, 2008